Choosing between Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis can be a difficult task. While some argue that they are inherently different systems, I think most of the differences are overstated. This post is highlights the differences I found most notable in the two platforms in aims to help those who are choosing between the two.
Read MoreFor the past year, I've had a daily goal of writing for 15 minutes. On the surface, it doesn't seem like very much. I spend far more than 15 minutes a day on Twitter, and far more than 15 minutes a day just getting recalibrated after a workout. The idea originally came to me when I was in college. I was working as a research assistant and the professor I worked for wrote something every day for 15 minutes.
Read MoreIt's a Thursday night and I'm on a plane flying from SFO to SLC, painstaking making a list of things I need to accomplish after attending a conference. In this process, I look over other lists I've created in the past month and realize I need to centralize my lists and come up with a better system to follow up and track goals I've created.
Read MoreFor the past few years, I’ve been an ardent believer in the promise of distributed in-memory data processing. The first time I took a Hive job, re-wrote it in Spark and saw it returned 10 times faster I was a believer
Read MoreThis post is a combination of notes I’ve taken on the subject over the last year. It’s about tools that make the trade more comfortable, some that make it more uncomfortable and stuff that the jury is still out on. I had a lot of fun writing this piece and while there isn’t any code it’s still technical.
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